Product Lines

Certifications and licenses everyone will recognize

Make the meaning of your certification or license unmistakable using media such as PDFs, images, and videos. Get it proudly shared on LinkedIn profiles, websites, and resumes—in the form of a fraud-proof, verifiable credential.

Click to view a live example certification!

An icon of a magnifying glass validating a credential

Verify skills securely and visually

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video, a PDF, a slide presentation, a spreadsheet, AND a text document worth? You can add each of these and more to your certification or license, making it so anyone will understand exactly what your program does and what holders of your certification or license have accomplished.

LinkedIn icon

Easily add to LinkedIn

One click autofills and adds a recipient's badge to the "Licenses & Certifications" section of their LinkedIn profile. They can post news of receiving their new license to Facebook, X (Twitter), and others.

Certificate and badge icons

Comply with all the leading standards

Certifications and licenses issued with us can comply with the Open Badges, Verifiable Credentials, and Blockcerts standards. All credentials also support the JSON-LD format for painless API integration.

Example of multimedia digital certificate featuring videos and descriptions

Select a Design

To make your certification or license look great, you can select one of our premade designs or choose "Blank" to upload your own later. A quick way to get started on this screen is to select one of our curated typography arrangements and enter your brand's colors or use a preset.


Upload Your Spreadsheet

Your roster of certification/license recipients can be an Excel or CSV file—and you can also import a Google Sheet using the URL. If you don't have a roster yet and you just want to get to designing your certification or license, don't worry—there's a demo roster ready to go!


Customize your Badge

Next, use our drag-and-drop customization, support for PNGs, JPEGs, SVGs, and QR codes, 100 fonts with up to 9 variants each, and even a media showcase to show off your organization and your credential recipients' accomplishments using videos, URLs, PDFs, Google Docs, and much more.
There are too many features to list here, so we recommend you check out our free trial.


Preview and Issue!

Our pixel-perfect previewer displays both desktop and mobile versions so you'll know exactly what your certification or license will look like. This view even shows you missing data or names that are too long to fit in your credential.

Quotation mark icon provides a unique way for certification companies to provide authentic digital certifications to their customers. I highly recommend them to any other certification business.
Photo of Joe Jamison, Founder & CEO of Visitable


Founder and CEO of VisitAble

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